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Weddings , birthdays , or anything good to say

Every events in your life can get an unforgettable moment for your family, friends , related and yourself

One magical effect of skywriting is the surprise effect it creates for the person it is dedicated for.


By the way we advise you to get a person ready with a camera to capture these unique moments.


Skywriting is a daylight fireworks.

A heart , with or without initials a word or a small nick name we’ll know how to advise you. In any scenario, we re able to write, all the alphabet letters, all numbers and even specials caracters.


We can also shape simple drawing but with awesome effect as they are printed in the sky.

Skywriting is a very unique service, its price composition depends of many factors.

The mains ones are directly dependant of  the very  special plane systems and operations, fuel, oxygen, special environment friendly smoke oil.
Mandatories approvals within aviation and specials authorisations require a lot of time and knowledge to get through. This is a full time job to set up the operations and
provide quality skywriting.

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Ask us for impossible we’ ll write it in the sky for you !

With these firsts informations we’ll be able to comeback yo you quickly and inform you about cost and feasibility of your project.



Merci ! Message envoyé.

A heart with a letter, our first performance starts from 1350 euros above the city of Lyon, our operating base. Depending of your location this same writing can worth around 1950 euros for a service in France. Every request is individually considered and customised, you will get your quote integrating all your detailed specificities.


Another example for a message of 6 letters, symbols or numbers, you can count on a 2700 euros  to 3370 budget depending of your location.

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